david pritchard. bibliography.

Notes on DiRenzo, Cima and Barber, Parking Management Tactics Volume III [1]

It should be noted that parking management tactics are not limited to actions restricting the use of passenger vehicles. Rather, they include many actions that are intended to more effectively use roadway capacity, manage parking supply and/or encourage the economic growth of activity centers while promoting transportation, environmental, energy conservation and other community objectives.

[p. 1]

[T]he highly localized and potentially significant nature of the impacts associated with many tactics makes it extremely important (1) to encourage residential, business, governmental, and other interests to participate in the planning of such tactics and (2) to use accurate, current data on parking demand and supply for the study area in question. If either of these items is lacking, the credibility of the recommended parking management program can be jeopardized.

[p. 2]

Types of Parking Management Tactics On-Street Parking Supply

Off-Street Parking Supply in Activity Centers

Fringe and Corridor Parking


Enforcement and Adjudication


[p. 5]

See also http://www.fta.dot.gov/library/planning/tdmstatus/FTAPRKSP.HTM


John F. DiRenzo, Bart Cima, and Edward Barber.
Parking management tactics.
Technical Report FHWA-PL-81-010, U.S. Federal Highway Administration, Washington, D.C., USA, 1981.

David Pritchard 2007-12-10